純ジャパ独学でTOEIC満点取得。 独学勉強法にはこだわりを持ち、大学受験では偏差値40から有名大学へ自力合格。 大学卒業後、某上場企業へ入社し、海外駐在を経て子会社代表に30代で就任。




IELTSスピーキングは、面接官との1対1の面接形式で行われる試験です。全体で11~14分程度の時間が与えられ、Part 1からPart 3までの3つのパートに分かれています。


Part 1

Part 1は、自己紹介や身近なトピックについての質問が中心となります。面接官との会話を通して、基本的な語彙力や文法力、発音の明瞭さなどが評価されます。


Q: Let’s start with a brief introduction. Can you tell me a little about yourself?

A: Sure. My name is Sarah, and I’m 25 years old. I’m originally from Canada, but I’m currently living in London to pursue my master’s degree in psychology. In my free time, I enjoy reading, traveling, and practicing yoga. I’m also passionate about volunteering and have been involved with local community organizations for several years. After completing my studies, I hope to work as a clinical psychologist and make a positive impact on people’s lives.


Q: Do you prefer to spend your weekends at home or going out?

A: I enjoy a balance of both. On some weekends, I love staying at home, relaxing, and catching up on my favorite TV shows or books. It’s a great way to recharge after a busy week. However, I also enjoy going out and exploring the city with my friends. We often try new restaurants, visit museums, or go for walks in the park. I find that a mix of relaxation and social activities helps me make the most of my weekends.

Part 2

Part 2では、与えられたトピックについて1~2分間のスピーチを行います。トピックカードが渡され、1分間の準備時間が与えられます。その後、トピックに沿って話す必要があります。


Describe a memorable photo that you took. You should say:

  • when you took the photo
  • where you took the photo
  • what is in the photo
    And explain why this photo is memorable to you.

A: One of the most memorable photos I’ve ever taken was during my trip to Japan last year. It was a beautiful autumn day, and I was visiting the famous Arashiyama Bamboo Grove in Kyoto. As I was walking through the towering bamboo stalks, I came across a small, traditional Japanese bridge over a peaceful stream. The scene was so picturesque that I knew I had to capture it.

In the photo, you can see the wooden bridge in the foreground, with the green bamboo forest creating a stunning backdrop. The sunlight was filtering through the leaves, casting a warm glow on the entire scene. What made the moment even more special was the presence of a young Japanese couple in traditional kimonos, walking hand in hand across the bridge.

This photo is memorable to me for several reasons. Firstly, it perfectly encapsulates the beauty and serenity of Kyoto, a city I had always dreamed of visiting. The combination of nature and traditional architecture in the photo represents the essence of Japan for me. Secondly, the photo reminds me of the sense of peace and tranquility I felt while exploring the bamboo grove. It was a moment of pure contentment and appreciation for the world around me. Lastly, the presence of the couple in the photo adds a romantic and human element to the scene, making it feel more personal and meaningful.

Every time I look at this photo, I’m transported back to that magical moment in Kyoto, and I feel grateful for the opportunity to have experienced such beauty and culture.

Part 3

Part 3は、Part 2のトピックに関連した more abstract な質問が行われます。自分の意見を述べたり、社会的な問題について議論したりすることが求められます。


Q: In what ways do photographs help us remember the past?

A: Photographs play a crucial role in helping us remember the past by serving as visual aids to our memories. When we look at a photo, it can instantly transport us back to a specific moment, triggering a flood of emotions and details that we may have otherwise forgotten. For example, a childhood photo can remind us of the joy and innocence of our early years, while a photo from a significant event, like a wedding or graduation, can help us relive the pride and excitement of that achievement.

Moreover, photographs act as a form of documentation, providing concrete evidence of the people, places, and experiences that have shaped our lives. They allow us to share our stories with others, passing down memories and family histories from one generation to the next. In a sense, photographs serve as a bridge between the past and the present, helping us maintain a connection to our roots and the important moments that have defined us.

However, it’s important to note that while photographs are a powerful tool for remembrance, they don’t tell the whole story. They are a snapshot of a single moment in time and don’t necessarily capture the full context or emotions of an experience. Therefore, it’s crucial to pair photographs with our own personal narratives and memories to create a more complete picture of the past.

Q: How has the popularity of social media changed the way people take and share photos?

A: Social media has revolutionized the way people take and share photos in several significant ways. Firstly, the rise of smartphones and mobile applications like Instagram and Snapchat has made photography more accessible and convenient than ever before. People can now capture and share moments instantly, without the need for specialized equipment or expertise. This has led to a proliferation of candid, everyday photos that document people’s lives in real-time.

Secondly, social media has transformed photos into a form of communication and self-expression. People use photos to convey their emotions, experiences, and personality to a wide audience, often with the help of filters, captions, and hashtags. This has given rise to new forms of visual storytelling and has allowed people to connect with others who share similar interests and perspectives.

However, the popularity of social media has also had some negative consequences for photography. The pressure to present a curated and idealized version of one’s life online has led to the rise of staged and edited photos that don’t always reflect reality. Moreover, the constant flood of images on social media can sometimes devalue the significance of individual photos, making it harder to appreciate and remember the truly meaningful moments.

In conclusion, while social media has made photography more democratic and accessible, it’s important to strike a balance between capturing authentic moments and curating a public image. By being mindful of the photos we take and share, we can use social media as a tool to connect with others while still preserving the integrity and value of our memories.




  • 適切な時制や文法構造を使用する
  • 多様な語彙や表現を用いて、言い回しに変化をつける
  • 接続詞や discourse markers を使って、論理的につながりのある文章を作る


  • 質問の要点を捉え、直接的に答える
  • 具体例や個人的な経験を交えて、説得力のある内容にする
  • introduction, body, conclusion の構成を意識し、一貫したスピーチを行う


  • はっきりとした発音を心がける
  • 適切な場所で pause を入れ、聞き手にとって理解しやすい速度で話す
  • 強弱や抑揚をつけて、メリハリのある話し方をする


IELTSスピーキングは、英語での communication 能力を総合的に評価する試験です。日常的な話題から、より抽象的な concepts まで、幅広いトピックについて話すことが求められます。

本記事で紹介した例題や回答例を参考に、実際に声に出して練習してみることをおすすめします。また、ニュースや Podcasts を聴いたり、ネイティブスピーカーとの会話の機会を設けたりするなど、日頃から English のインプットとアウトプットを意識的に行うことも大切です。


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