純ジャパ独学でTOEIC満点取得。 独学勉強法にはこだわりを持ち、大学受験では偏差値40から有名大学へ自力合格。 大学卒業後、某上場企業へ入社し、海外駐在を経て子会社代表に30代で就任。

【GMAT Integrated Reasoning】Graphics Interpretation(図表解析問題)


A stacked bar graph shows the revenue breakdown by product category for a company over a 3-year period. Which product category had the highest percent increase in revenue from 2017 to 2019?
(A) Category A
(B) Category B
(C) Category C
(D) Category D

A line graph shows the stock prices of two companies, Company X and Company Y, over a 6-month period. In which month was the difference between the stock prices of the two companies the greatest?
(A) January
(B) March
(C) May
(D) June

A scatter plot shows the relationship between the number of years of experience and the annual salary for a group of employees. Which of the following statements is true based on the information provided in the scatter plot?
(A) Employees with more years of experience always have higher annual salaries.
(B) There is a negative correlation between years of experience and annual salary.
(C) The scatter plot suggests that there are other factors besides years of experience that influence annual salary.
(D) The employee with the fewest years of experience has the highest annual salary.

A bubble chart shows the market share, revenue, and profit for several companies in an industry. Which company has the highest profit and the lowest market share?
(A) Company A
(B) Company B
(C) Company C
(D) Company D

【GMAT Integrated Reasoning】Two-Part Analysis(二項目分析問題)

A bakery sells cookies and cakes. The price of a cookie is $1, and the price of a cake is $20. If a customer buys 5 cakes and a certain number of cookies for a total of $110, select the number of cookies purchased and the total amount spent on cookies.

Cookies purchased:
(A) 5
(B) 10
(C) 15

Total amount spent on cookies:
(A) $5
(B) $10
(C) $15

A company manufactures two types of widgets: Type A and Type B. The production cost for each Type A widget is $5, and the production cost for each Type B widget is $8. If the company produces a total of 1,000 widgets and the total production cost is $6,000, select the number of Type A widgets produced and the number of Type B widgets produced.

Type A widgets:
(A) 200
(B) 400
(C) 600

Type B widgets:
(A) 250
(B) 400
(C) 600

A store offers a discount on the total purchase amount. The discount is 10% if the total purchase is less than $100 and 20% if the total purchase is $100 or more. If a customer buys 3 items with prices of $30, $40, and $50, select the discount percent and the total amount paid after the discount.

Discount percent:
(A) 10%
(B) 20%
(C) 30%

Total amount paid after discount:
(A) $96
(B) $108
(C) $120

A car dealership offers a base model and an upgraded model of a car. The base model costs $20,000, and the upgraded model costs $25,000. If the dealership sold a total of 100 cars and the total revenue was $2,200,000, select the number of base models sold and the number of upgraded models sold.

Base models sold:
(A) 20
(B) 40
(C) 60

Upgraded models sold:
(A) 20
(B) 40
(C) 60

【GMAT Integrated Reasoning】Table Analysis(表分析問題)

The table shows the number of employees in different departments of a company over a 5-year period. Which department had the highest percent increase in the number of employees from 2015 to 2019?


(A) Sales
(B) Marketing
(C) Finance
(D) HR

The table shows the average monthly rainfall in a city over a 4-year period. In which year was the average monthly rainfall the lowest?

YearAverage Monthly Rainfall (mm)

(A) 2016
(B) 2017
(C) 2018
(D) 2019

The table shows the price and quantity sold of a product over a 3-month period. In which month was the total revenue the highest?

MonthPrice per unitQuantity sold

(A) January
(B) February
(C) March
(D) The total revenue was the same in all three months.

The table shows the enrollment data for a university over a 5-year period. What was the percent change in enrollment from 2018 to 2019?


(A) Increased by 5%
(B) Increased by 6.9%
(C) Decreased by 5%
(D) Decreased by 6.9%

【GMAT Integrated Reasoning】Multi-Source Reasoning(複数資料推論問題)

Passage 1: A study found that students who participate in extracurricular activities have higher grade point averages (GPAs) than those who don’t participate.
Passage 2: Another study showed that students who spend more time studying have higher GPAs than those who spend less time studying.
Question: Which of the following can be concluded from the information provided in both passages?
(A) Participating in extracurricular activities is more important than studying for achieving a high GPA.
(B) Studying is more important than participating in extracurricular activities for achieving a high GPA.
(C) Both participating in extracurricular activities and studying contribute to achieving a high GPA.
(D) Neither participating in extracurricular activities nor studying has an effect on GPA.

Passage 1: A company’s market research shows that customers prefer products with eco-friendly packaging.
Passage 2: The company’s current packaging is made from non-recyclable materials.
Question: Which of the following can be inferred from the information provided in both passages?
(A) The company should maintain its current packaging to satisfy customer preferences.
(B) The company should consider changing its packaging to eco-friendly materials to align with customer preferences.
(C) The company’s market research is not reliable.
(D) More information is needed to determine the company’s packaging strategy.

Passage 1: A city’s tourism board reports that the number of tourists visiting the city has increased by 20% over the past year.
Passage 2: The city has recently invested in improving its public transportation system and tourist attractions.
Question: Which of the following can be concluded from the information provided in both passages?
(A) The increase in tourism is solely due to the improvements in public transportation.
(B) The increase in tourism is solely due to the improvements in tourist attractions.
(C) The improvements in public transportation and tourist attractions may have contributed to the increase in tourism.
(D) The increase in tourism is unrelated to the city’s investments in public transportation and tourist attractions.

Passage 1: A survey found that 75% of employees in a company are satisfied with their job.
Passage 2: The company has recently implemented a new employee wellness program.
Question: Which of the following can be inferred from the information provided in both passages?
(A) The high job satisfaction rate is a result of the new employee wellness program.
(B) The new employee wellness program has not affected job satisfaction in the company.
(C) More information is needed to determine the relationship between the employee wellness program and job satisfaction.
(D) The survey results and the implementation of the employee wellness program are unrelated.

以上が、GMAT Integrated Reasoning(IR)の各問題タイプの追加の例題です。IRセクションでは、様々な形式の情報を分析し、推論する力が問われます。図表の解釈、二項目の関連性の理解、表データの分析、複数の資料から結論を導き出すことなどが重要なスキルとなります。問題に取り組む際は、与えられた情報を正確に読み取り、論理的に思考することを心がけましょう。

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