純ジャパ独学でTOEIC満点取得。 独学勉強法にはこだわりを持ち、大学受験では偏差値40から有名大学へ自力合格。 大学卒業後、某上場企業へ入社し、海外駐在を経て子会社代表に30代で就任。





本記事では、Task 1とTask 2のそれぞれについて、効果的なテンプレートの使い方をお伝えします。文章構成の基本から、模範解答例まで、実践的なテクニックが満載です。ぜひ参考にしてみてください。

1. Task 1のテンプレート

Task 1では、与えられたグラフや表、図表などの情報を分析し、150語以上の文章でまとめる必要があります。以下のテンプレートを使えば、簡潔かつ的確に情報を伝えることができるでしょう。


  1. Introduction(導入)
  2. Overview(概要)
  3. Body Paragraph 1(本文1)
  4. Body Paragraph 2(本文2)


The graph/chart/table shows... (図表の種類を述べる)
It compares/illustrates... (図表の目的を述べる)

Overall, ... (全体的な傾向を要約する)

[Body Paragraph 1]
In detail, ... (具体的なデータや特徴を述べる)
For example, ... (例を挙げて説明する)

[Body Paragraph 2]
Furthermore, ... (より詳細な分析を加える)
It is also notable that ... (注目すべき点を指摘する)


The line graph compares the number of visitors to three different museums in the city of London between 2007 and 2012.

Overall, the British Museum consistently attracted the highest number of visitors throughout the period, while the National Gallery had the lowest visitor numbers.

In detail, the British Museum started with around 4 million visitors in 2007, which increased steadily to a peak of approximately 5.5 million in 2012. The Tate Modern had a relatively stable number of visitors, fluctuating between 3.5 and 4 million over the six-year period.

Furthermore, the National Gallery experienced a slight decrease in visitor numbers from about 3 million in 2007 to around 2.5 million in 2012. It is also notable that the gap between the British Museum and the other two museums widened significantly by the end of the period.

2. Task 2のテンプレート

Task 2では、与えられた議題に対して自分の意見を述べる、250語以上の小論文を書く必要があります。以下のテンプレートを参考に、説得力のある文章を組み立てましょう。


  1. Introduction(導入)
  2. Body Paragraph 1(本文1)
  3. Body Paragraph 2(本文2)
  4. Conclusion(結論)


It is often argued that ... (トピックを紹介する)
This essay agrees/disagrees with this view because ... (自分の立場を明確にする)

[Body Paragraph 1]
The main reason for this view is that ... (立場の根拠を述べる)
For instance, ... (具体例を挙げて説明する)
Thus, it is clear that ... (パラグラフの内容をまとめる)

[Body Paragraph 2]
Another important aspect is ... (さらなる理由や反論を述べる)
This is because ... (理由を詳しく説明する)
Therefore, ... (パラグラフの内容をまとめる)

In conclusion, ... (全体の内容を要約する)
It is hoped that ... (望ましい将来像や展望を述べる)


It is often argued that the use of social media has had a negative impact on personal relationships. This essay agrees with this view because social media can lead to a decrease in face-to-face communication and an increase in superficial connections.

The main reason for this view is that people tend to spend more time interacting online rather than in person when they heavily use social media. For instance, instead of meeting friends for coffee or dinner, many people now choose to catch up through messaging apps or social media platforms. Thus, it is clear that social media can contribute to a decline in meaningful, in-person interactions.

Another important aspect is that social media often encourages users to curate an idealized version of their lives, leading to superficial connections. This is because people tend to share only the positive aspects of their lives on social media, creating a distorted image of reality. Therefore, relationships formed or maintained through social media may lack depth and authenticity.

In conclusion, while social media has its benefits, it is evident that excessive use can have detrimental effects on personal relationships. It is hoped that individuals will strive to find a balance between online interactions and face-to-face communication to foster genuine and meaningful connections.

3. テンプレートを活用するためのコツ

  • テンプレートはあくまでも基本的な構成を示したものです。トピックに合わせて、柔軟にアレンジしましょう。
  • 各パラグラフの内容は、具体的で説得力のある例を交えながら、論理的に展開することが大切です。
  • 単に個人的な経験談を羅列するのではなく、客観的な事実やデータを交えて議論を深めましょう。
  • 文章のつながりを意識し、接続詞や参照表現を適切に使って、読み手に分かりやすく伝えるようにしましょう。
  • 時間配分に注意し、全体の構成をしっかりと組み立ててから書き始めることをおすすめします。

4. おわりに

IELTSライティングで高スコアを獲得するには、文章構成のテンプレートを理解し、効果的に活用することが重要です。Task 1では情報を的確にまとめ、Task 2では説得力のある議論を展開することが求められます。




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